It turns out that… laser TV and projection are not the same thing!

Rapid development of the laser TV market
Arousing widespread concern among consumers
But there are still people who don’t seem to know it very well.
Some even think
Isn’t laser TV a projector?
There are even people asking
Laser TV can go online!
Can a laser TV look at several channels?
Misunderstanding about laser TV is so deep,
Don’t want to explore the truth? !
What is laser TV?
There are many “home theater” products on the market, which confuse the concept of projectors and laser TVs. Many consumers are confused about the definition of the two. Do they even think that laser TV is not a projector? In fact, laser TVs and projectors are fundamentally different.
Laser TV is imaged by laser light source and ultra-short-focus projection technology. It is equipped with a special anti-light projection screen. Its functions, image quality and reliability indicators meet or exceed the LCD TV standard. The form and usage are in line with the user’s TV usage habits. Compared with LCD TVs, the price is lower than the same size LCD, convenient for transportation and installation.
In addition, laser TVs and projectors also differ greatly in their technical composition, including light source, projection technology, mounting distance, light resistance, etc.
The above is the difference between laser TV and projector. If you want to know more information, pay attention to Azure Image, we will share more content.



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